The IT tools to help your business thrive

Servers, NAS drives, PCs, laptops and tablets all have one thing in common - they are the tools your business needs to operate.

We understand this and will work closely with you to make sure that you have the right IT kit for your organisation.

We can set up and manage servers and NAS drives on premises.

For workstation machines (PCs and laptops) our technicians will agree a hardware specification that fits the common software requirements of your users and produce a range of devices to choose from.

We have no affiliation to particular brands and can leverage the buying power of our network of suppliers to get the agreed specification of machines at the best possible prices. Fancy Lenovo - no problem, love Dell - that's fine as well.

IT Hardware

Up and running "out of the box"

Want to make your new starters feel welcome? There's nothing better than giving them their new (or pre-loved) laptop or PC already configured with user profile, software, email account and operating system updates.

When we purchase or upgrade laptops and PCs on behalf of our clients, we will set the devices up with a pre-agreed "base build" and deliver them to your users set up and ready for them to start working. All security patches and firmware updates will already have been installed so there's no need for lengthy upgrades over the first few days of use.

New Laptop

Keep devices safe and compliant with no fuss remote management

Keeping your devices in tip-top condition is key to business productivity and security. We offer remote management with a low-impact application that runs in the background on your servers, laptops and PCs. This real-time reporting lets our tech team spot problems with your business IT before they become serious.

Beyond updates and patching - our tool acts as your IT asset management. It records information including, make, model, serial number, warranty expiration, installed software, and anti-virus status.

We can provide an account for key personnel within your business so that you can log in and see your IT estate at a glance, and schedule regular reports for peace of mind that your IT is safe and secure.

Device Management

Upgrade, re-use and recycle - an ethical approach to IT hardware

It is a common misconception that IT kit needs to be replaced when it becomes slow and unresponsive. More often than not, this is down to the errors creeping in to the Operating System from multiple updates or unused software running in the background. Here at Clearwater, we will always make sure that we fully investigate your existing IT stock before considering new purchases.

We will consider upgrades, such as additional RAM or a Solid State Drive (SSD), or Operating System re-installs and whether they could breathe new life into your older kit. This approach has already saved our clients thousands of pounds!

If your IT hardware is well below par then we can arrange to have it responsibly disposed of (under WEEE Regulations (2013)) or recycled and donated through our partner company. We will ensure that any data is physically destroyed - beyond recovery - and provide certification for both WEEE compliance and data destruction.

laptop Upgrade
Over the Moon

"Thank you so much with your help getting our business IT up and running. We are over the moon with the service provided by Clearwater IT."

Caroline Baxter Aspire to Move

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