5G and other innovations for your office

30.09.2019 |

5GInternet of ThingsProductivityRemote Working

5G and other innovations for your officeFor most of us, i.e. the casual technology user, we associate 3G, 4G and now 5G, with our mobile phones and whether or not we have any signal. As long as we can see it in the top corner of our screen, we know we have Internet access.

But what is it, exactly?

5G is an abbreviation of the term ‘fifth-generation’. It’s the speed at which data is sent across a network and for 5G specifically, that speed is somewhere between ten and one hundred times faster than 4G or an average home broadband connection.

Almost unfathomably fast.

Now why might your business want or need such speeds? You might feel that what you have already works just fine, but let’s look at what 5G brings to the table.

5G fuels flexible working

Flexible working, also known as working away from the office, has taken off in recent years. All you need is a laptop, a mobile, an Internet connection, and supposedly you’ve got yourself a better work-life balance.

5G adds fuel to this shift. With a greater quantity of work being done in less time and with less resource required, the bottom line gets a welcome boost.

In fact, with 5G, the workplace may not need to be a ‘place’ at all. For many industries, a business could work with whomever they needed, perhaps a specialist or a freelancer based in another country.

Perhaps you have a crucial meeting with a client? 5G gives you a reliable connection in busy areas during peak times. You’re looking at next to no delay when video conferencing without Wi-Fi. You can also download enormous files in seconds, instead of minutes. With everything under the bonnet working so much faster, we’re talking about a near instant connection. You’re likely to end up with a battery that lasts up to ten times longer too.

5G is currently only available in certain UK cities. To access it, you’ll also need a phone that’s 5G enabled. These are starting to enter the market so are something to consider next time you upgrade your mobile handsets.

The major networks are keen to stress 5G isn’t a 4G replacement, but another layer that opens up a number of ground-breaking opportunities. These could include, for instance, virtual reality and The Internet of Things (IoT).

The Internet of Things

The Internet of Things is the official name for a system of interconnected devices – they don’t have to be computers in the classical sense. Fridges and vending machines can tell you when they’re running low on stock. Or it might be that you control your thermostat remotely, so it’s the right temperature when you step through the door. There are even stories of surgeons performing operations on patients somewhere else entirely, using 5G and precision robotic arms. Although the possibilities seem limitless, the IoT demands a certain speed and an advanced level of connectivity, which 5G can provide.

Training and selling in virtual reality

Virtual reality is no longer a realm reserved for videogames. More and more companies are adopting the technology to further streamline their sales and hiring objectives.

If 5G is combined with VR, for example, there’s no reason why a prospective employee couldn’t be interviewed effectively without them travelling to your office. An employee could be trained to use a particular programme or process from anywhere at anytime.

Or what about an interior designer, who could now demonstrate the look and feel of their latest kitchen, simply by asking the customer to put on a VR headset and explore in 360 degrees.

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